1. Mounting Brackets - Savings from a single unit
Lionball Motors offers another breakthrough in convenience and cost savings for the fan assemblies market. Our engineers have combined the mounting bracket with the conduit connector for a single unit mounting structure. This single unit construction means not only a savings in labor for your assembly process, but a significant savings in cost…as much as 43% on each individual unit!
In addition to design innovation, we also offer flexibility of engineering with 5 models that vary the positioning and design of the connector. Choose the application that best suits the needs of your conduit connection. Options include facilitating the conduit parallel to the shaft, or at a 45º or 90º angle to the shaft.
As with most products, the mounting bracket connector unit can be custom designed and manufactured to meet your specific product requirements. Additionally, Lionball offers a complete line of competitively priced mounting brackets and connectors with the same high-quality standards and customization options.
1. shape and the size of installation

2. tecchnical specification

3. shape and the size of installation

4. Brackets and fan blades to optimize your performance